About the conference
The Aga Khan Museum
A REVIVAL: an improvement in the condition or strength of something.
Revival shines a light on the growth of Don Mills, a home of a flourishing, diverse community, and a buzzing hub for new immigrants. From the latest investment in transit, new development, and attractions, the community of Don Mills is breaking through on its own and standing thriving in the heart of Toronto.
Revival brings together a community that is uniquely strong, resilient, empowering, and an intersection of different places, sharing a common goal to make the community strong and prosperous. Revival focuses on innovation in the Don Mills area, and those who dare to dream.
As Jason Silva shared in his 2012 TED global talk, “what imagination does is it allows us to conceive of delightful future possibilities, pick the most amazing one and pull the present forward to meet it.” The different and diverse people, perspectives, voices, and paths all contribute to our revival, our awakening of Don Mills.
The 2022 TEDxDonMills conference will be a day of exploration with each speaker, each performer, and each experience to open our minds from a different lens. From social justice issues, technological innovations, environmental activism, religion and spirituality, international development, and identity and human expressions such as music and other forms of art.
How will you be a part of this unforgettable experience?
Be a speaker. Be a volunteer. Attend the conference. Spread the word. Ignite your imagination and buy tickets today.